Oh come' on, you know exactly what I'm talkin about! It's those instances in your life when you wish you'd worn clean underwear, times when you couldn't tell if the light ahead of you is a holy path or a flying saucer, when the only thing you can do is sit and watch, breathe in, breathe out.
Moments when you said, "Oh Sh!t."
Consider the following:
In India, there's no such thing as driving on the wrong side of the road, it's simply called 'passing.' And if you think the Autobahn is cool, try India's Highway of Death! This moment deserves an "Oh Sh!t"

Before this cow was murdered for sacrificial purposes, a man with a machete chops off each leg, one at a time before stabbing a hole in its lung and cutting off its head. If you look closely at the rear-right leg, you can see where flesh meets metal. This moment in northern Cambodia qualifies as an "Oh Sh!t" moment.
Setting up a sunrise shot on top of a snake and spider infested mountain in the jungles of Honduras at 4am--at an elevation of 3000ft. This moment made me say "Oh Sh!t
Straddling the median barrier of a busy road in India, I hang on to dear life as highway traffic whiz by--only inches apart. Yup, you guessed it, this is 100% an "Oh Sh!t" moment.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the mens room...
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the mens room...
I couldn't take off my eyes from the picture with the cow. It should be published anywhere, anytime, maybe something could be done about cruelty of man to animals.
It was one of the hardest things for me to film. The crew and I felt horrible afterwards, but then we realized that its their cultural traditions, and there's really nothing we can do.
OH S***! Those pictures! Especially the last one! You were very brave!
The picture of the cow was particularly very disturbing. I wish we could do something about it.
Yeah, the picture of in northern Cambodia (either Mundolkiri or Ratanakkiri) was hard to take in. I guess all you can do here is call in cultural relativism.
Sophat, this was in Ratinakiri. It was one of the toughest things I had ever shot...but afterwards, the whole crew felt fine because we witnessed an event that was horrific to us, but to the people there, this was a celebration to bring prosperity and fortune...and who's to argue with that? It was great!
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