Current Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada/ 49°17′60.0″N 123°4′60″W
Call me a wuss if you want, but it's damn cold up here! Maybe it's not the chill that bothers me so much, but more so, the fact that my body is just not used to the thin-arctic air in these elevations. Sometimes, when I'm roaming around with my camera, I can feel my head pounding like someone's driving a jack hammer thru my skull.
Beleive it or not, as a Canadian, I hate snow! I can't stand the cold. It makes my skin dry, freeze my toes and sucks the oxygen out of the air. Yeah, I'm a baby! So what?
I'll trade with you.
You suck at being a Canadian.
Cheryl, you are the meanest Canadian I know!!!!
i hate the cold too. i live in a snowboard/ski kinda town and i have never tried these things nor do i particularly want to. bah!
nice picture with the canadian flag.
I can't relate, sorry. The coldest places in the Philippines are Baguio and Tagaytay and even in the coldest time of the year, these places can only manage 18-20 degrees Celcius.
I'm so happy I live in a tropical country.
Hey, man, it was 57 degrees F today in central Michigan. Can you believe that? Last week it was 2. Hope you're doin' ok. We miss you.
yeah. Canada. hm.
Ron, don't worry about hating snow. I hate it too.
When you grow up in a cold place and have to spend hours a day (which roughly translates to years of your life) digging your house, car and dog (sometimes) out of drifts of snow, it kind of loses it's appeal.
Enjoy being home.
The pic is outstandingly beautiful.
I'm with you though, I hate the cold. I grew up in the snow, and I agree with 'the young traveler', it looses it's appeal.
What? I am the nicest Canadian you know.
And you know it too.
You know what? I'm just going to throw my caribou at you for that comment.
What a neat life you have. :)
If it's any consolation, I hate the freezing cold too :-)
When it gets to about 10 degrees over here (Celsius) I retreat to my world of sweaters, hats and scarves. And of course, I am always teased mercilessly because I am supposed to be showing Canadian pride and braving the 'cold'.
I am glad that I am not alone :D.
You're not a wus Ron...just normal! Honestly, who likes to freeze their booty off?
I'm with you on this, brother, even though I had never experienced snow nor anything less than zero degrees.
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