Truth: I haven't showered in two days.
Dare: Take a whiff of me...go ahead, knock yourself out! Literally. I mean it!
Ok, so there you go: not only am I behind on my blogging, but I'm also behind on my date with the shower--the one and only thing that I can "turn-on"--hot or cold. Ha-ha-ha. Yeah, ain't I funny? Laugh Out Loud (LOL). This is what happens when you've been deprived from scribbling your thoughts online for the masses to read...or the five or so people who actually frequent this thing.
Being here in Vancouver to cover the preparations for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, I've been subjected to some of the most extreme weather conditions I've ever faced. Add that to the three hour time difference, the altitude, and the fact that I've been lost more times than I can count, I've gotten myself a severe case of "Canadiana Diaspora"--symptoms of a confused and bitterly frost bitten Canadian on his own soil.
Sure, I have the comforts of a warm hotel room in the evening and the potential to indulge in three square meals a day, but let's think beyond that--beyond the luxuries of modern marvels and delve deeper, deep into the world of a traveling photog. Here goes:
Getting strapped in. This doesn't look too good...
OK, so there you have it. That's what I've been doing all week. Now, as for not showering, let's just say that I'm conditioning myself for the jungle. Will be in the jungles of Indonesia in 48 hours!
Be well.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dude, I hope you took your flannel undies.
Don't get Jungle Fever.
Wow, that was a really lame joke.
The white of the snow & ice isn't as photogenic as the green of the jungle. Looking forward to pictures from Indonesia.
Anyway, the orange and green vests add a bit of coloring to the "whitish" photos. I like the one with you in front of the airplane. With the orange vest you look as a security man who has just rescued hostages from the airplane.
LOL @ Death by Diarrhea moment!!
Good luck on your trip! Take care and looking forward to more photo's.
I can't wait to see Indonesia pictures! --- I want your job, let's trade.
Ugh. I can smell you from wherever you are right now all the way to the Philippines.
You looked like you had fun in all of your good luck when you get to the jungle. I hope you brought all your diarrhea medication.
It's great to be updated with your travel and work. Be extra careful with your health. We can't afford to lose you because of death by diarrhea.
Be well.
Wow Indonesia?
O\I want your job or something like it. Please tell me the tricks of the trade! please & thankyou :D
*sniff sniff*
Oh ron it's not so bad!! :)
Very cool job, but sheez they have you in the scariest places... I think I had my own DD moment just from the elevated levels you get in!
Take care of your butt, man. I wouldn't want to meet a buttless man because he lost it due to freezing temperatures. But wait... if it is frozen, then, you can thaw it in Indonesia or Malaysia ;)
See you soon brother!
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