For those that are new to
Ronzworld, you may have missed the first edition of
Oh Sh!t Moments--a chronicle of instances when I thought that very frame was going to be my last. Well, I've since washed the stains off my undies and have even burnt a few, so without further adieu, here's volume 2 of Oh Sh!t moments:
Hanging your body from the side of a rick-shaw was never taught in film school. With the wind blowing thru my hair, I felt like a dog with his head poking out the window of my master's car. This moment deserves an "Ohhh Sh!T."

Sitting backwards on a motorcycle, holding a camera in one hand and trying to grab onto the bike with another was also never taught in film school. In fact, I think this was dumber than the time when I drove backwards
thru a
McDonald's drive
thru. This moment made me say "Oh Sh!T, I'm going to die!"
Setting up shop in the middle of rush hour traffic wasn't such a good idea. I was honked at many times. Heck, I think they even swore at me. But oh well, it was a great shot. Never the less, I said "Ohhh Sh!T, I'm going to get hit in the groin."

I know I'm a high roller and all, but never to the tune of 3 million dollars. There was so much cash that I didn't know where to stash it. I felt like a drug dealer. So you know what I did? Well, being the smart-ass that I am, I stuffed it all in my pants! But while walking thru the market, it felt very uncomfortable. It bulged out of my pants and made me look like I had a hemorrhoid the size of Venus. Knowing that I could get jumped any second, this was indeed an "Oh Sh!t moment."
Talk about cheap flights! Man, flying around in that bucket made me appreciate how lucky I am to fly coach. In fact, I was freaked out at how close we were to the engine blades. It was loud! I thought I was going to lose an ear drum...or worse, I'd get sucked into the engine. I prayed aloud and remembered accidentally saying "Oh Sh!t in my prayers." Sorry God.

With my legs dug into the ice, I clung onto my life to get this shot at the 2010 Winter Olympic Nordic Sky Jump venue in Vancouver. If I had slipped, I would've performed a double fly-by axis quadruple speed jump and made it look easy! I said "Oh Sh!t" so loud that I think I
might've caused an avalanche that day.
OK, this may not look like an Oh Sh!t moment to you, but to me, it is. Now look at it carefully. My tripod is
completely submerged in the water. My camera is no more than a few inches from the splash. Had I made a mistake, my camera would've dropped to the bottom, washed away with the flowing currents and I'd be left with nothing but wet feet and a pink slip! I thought of how I would explain this to Boss Lady when I get back to the office. And
the only words that I could hear her say was "
Ohhh Sh!t." But dammit, it was a sweet lookin' shot!
I literally laughed out loud when you said "sorry God" --- hillarious.
--- and I want to see the shots that you got from these moments!
Ron, you are so incredibly awesome! This is so funny and definitely "oh, shit" moments :) I'm laughing and smiling :) You just amaze're like Superman! So cool! I LOVE hearing of your adventures and seeing your great photography :)
You are CRAZY! (but in a good way of course)
That ski jump is the scariest thing I've ever seen! I would have passed out at the thought of being up so high!!
lol how do you get such photo ops!??
i love your sense of humor!
Ron... excellent and funny post as always. Especially saying 'sorry God'
All of those pictures made me gasp and think-- OMG! What is he DOING?!-- which means you probably got some REALLY amazing stuff out of it :)
Hahaha the market story definitely made me laugh the most. Nice.
Very good pictures!
As always, wonderfully done! May have been an ahh sh!t moment, but as you said, you got her done and got great pics.
Love all these pictures. Whoever took those pictures of you has a great eye for oh sh!t moments.
And all that money! I remember going to Costa Rica and carrying 500,000 colones with me. Damn, I haven't even seen 100,000 pesos my whole life.
You ROCK! but your still a CRAZY man!
Well if the whole photography thing doesn't work out you could always be a stunt double! ;-)
shoot at the such a good idea...hahahaha
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